Tuesday, January 25, 2011

R886683 - Senior Software Engineer - SGBU - San Jose, CA

SGBU is looking for an experienced software engineer to help build, simulate and management large-scale RF/PLC-based mesh networks of millions of nodes for smart grid applications.

* Simulate and analyze million-node scale mesh networks end-to-end.
* Correlate simulation results with real-world measurements.
* Build components of the network stack based on open standards.
* Build components in web-based network management infrastructure.
* Analyze customer-specific requirements and provide performance and deployment guidelines.
* Help deploy large-scale mesh networks at customer sites.

* Experiences in simulating and analyzing large-scale mesh networks.
* Experiences in building and deploying mesh networks.
* Thorough knowledge in IP-based networking and open standards.
* Experiences in building scalable web-based infrastructure and applications.
* Excellent communication skills.
* MS or Ph.D. in CS or EE with hands-on networking experiences.

To apply, email your resume to David Sneed: dsneed@cisco.com and reference the job title in the email's subject field or apply online: http://www.cisco.apply2jobs.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=mExternal.showJob&RID=886683&CurrentPage=1

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